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This post is all about how to glow up at 30.
Growing up scares the crap out of me and I know for a fact I can’t be the only thirty-something year old who feels this way.
While you’re growing up, 30 always sounds like an eternity away.
But somewhere along the line, the years start to speed way up. Take it from me, if you’re in your early 20’s, 30 isn’t as far off as you might think.
Personally, I feel like it was just yesterday that I didn’t have a care in the world. I had the mindset that wrinkles were something that only happened to old people.
“I don’t have to worry about those for a long time,” I assured myself.
Well, sadly, I recently turned 30, and that time has come, my friend.
30 is the age I started to feel like I was slowly starting to lose control over the changes that were happening to my body (hello slowing metabolism, fine lines, and flabby upper arms).
That’s why I started making note of all the things I could potentially do to have a mid life glow up.
In my mind, it was time to get serious about the things I actually still had control over.
However, I wanted this to be not just a physical glow up but a mental one as well.
The way I see it, 30 is the perfect age to take a deeper look at yourself and work on the things about yourself that you have been putting off for years.
So, after a few months of doing just that, I’m pleased to say I’ve already noticed improvement in the way I look and, most importantly, feel.
If you’re looking to start your glow up at 30, too, read on!
Here’s my best tips for how to glow up at 30.
1. Start Incorporating Retinol Into Your Skincare Routine
What better time than 30 to get serious about your skincare routine and start paying actual attention to what you’re putting on your skin?
If you aren’t already, it’s probably time you start using an anti-aging cream or serum that contains retinol.
Retinol is a form of Vitamin A that works wonders by increasing skin cell production to achieve youthful looking skin.
If you’re new to the retinoid game, I suggest starting out with an over-the-counter retinol like I did.
This one by First Aid Beauty is specifically designed for sensitive skin and is a great starter retinol for beginner users.
The added perk is it’s safe for sensitive, eczema-prone skin, woot!
By the way, if you happen to suffer from eczema too, be sure to check out this post. I break down exactly how I am able to bounce back from an eczema flare up in less than a week!
It still has a decent percentage of retinol (.25%) but not as much as prescription retinol.
If you’ve eased into it with over the counter retinol and you’re looking for something a little more potent, see your dermatologist for a prescription for Tretinoin.
It has a reputation for being basically botox in a bottle.
2. Look Into Botox
While we’re on the topic of youthful skin, let’s talk about Botox.
A common misconception about Botox is that you shouldn’t get it until you start noticing wrinkles.
However, it actually works the best if you get it preventatively, before you ever start seeing wrinkles.
By the age of 30, due to decreasing collagen levels, you most likely have started seeing a faint line or two on your face that wasn’t there a couple years ago.
If that’s the case, don’t worry! It’s definitely not too late.
Botox will help diminish wrinkles before they have a chance to really set in.
I know, I know. Cosmetic procedures aren’t for everyone and I’m definitely not saying you need it.
However, it is an option.
Additionally, unlike injectable fillers, Botox is somewhat affordable (like $300 on average per treatment). Plus it wears off within 4-6 months if for some reason you don’t like it.
Just make sure you do your research and go to an experienced, knowledgeable injector.
If botox isn’t for you, there’s plenty of other ways to promote youthful skin. This includes micro-needling, red-light therapy, and increasing collagen production naturally as outlined later in this article.
3. Shape Your Brows
By the age of 30, millennial women all have one thing in common.
We’ve all been around the block a time or two with our eyebrows.
From shaved off little squiggles to the new bushy, natural brow trend, we’ve tried it all.
After weathering all these different brow trends, I’ve finally figured out which brow shape suits me best and is the easiest to maintain on my face.
If you still haven’t mastered the art of brows, this is a great area to hone in on for an instant glow up.
Because, let’s be honest, tweaking your brows can change your look entirely.
For better or for worse.
So, if you know your brows are significantly uneven or lacking a good shape, this could be a huge part of your glow up.
Seeing a professional for micro-blading is a great service for those who have a difficult time finding their best brow shape or have over-plucked or sparse brows.
However, if you’re more of a DIY gal like me, this Eyebrow Stamp Stencil Kit is perfect for you.
It allows you to easily map out different eyebrow shapes to see which one looks the best on you.
You can also use these stencils as guides for shaving, tweezing, or waxing your eyebrows at home.
Regardless, don’t be afraid to play around with them and see how much of a difference it can make in your facial appearance.
4. Glow Up at 30 By Finding the Right Hair Color
By the age of 30, you’ve likely experimented with a range of different colors.
If you have, a good place to start is to look at old pictures of yourself with different hair colors and assess.
Did blonde make you look washed out? Was black too dark for you?
If you’re being honest with yourself, what hair color(s) actually looks the best and most natural on you?
This might mean taking a step back from your own, possibly biased opinion, and getting a consensus opinion from others.
On the other hand, if you haven’t done much experimenting and you’ve been sporting the same mousy brown color for over a decade, 30 might be the perfect age to spice things up.
For example, go bold with a blonde pixie cut or go Kylie Jenner-black.
By the way, if you want to convert to the dark side but not sure if it will look right on you, be sure to check out this post where I share exactly how to make dyed black hair look natural.
If you’re still at a total loss, I suggest trying out Virtual Hair Color Try-On Tool by L’oreal.

You can click Live Try On or upload your own selfie to experiment with all different hair colors.
5. Settle Into a Weekly Hair Styling Routine
A great way to glow up at 30 is to find a good weekly hair styling routine.
This way, your hair looks fresh for the entire week and bad hair days become a thing of the past.
For the longest time, I was doing what it seemed everyone else was doing with their hair. This meant washing it most days and trying to wear it straight.
Eventually, I realized this wasn’t realistic for me and figured out my hair looks and feels way healthier when I wash and style it once a week.
Pssst: If you want to start going longer in between hair washes too and don’t know where to start, be sure to check out my post on How to Train Hair to Wash Less where I show you the dirty deets on how I make one hair wash last over a week (without looking greasy).
Not to mention, having a good weekly hair styling routine takes away the brain work of figuring out how you’re going to style your hair day to day.
If you have thick, wavy hair like me, here is my weekly hair styling routine that has changed my life.
6. Start Investing in Quality Over Quantity to Glow Up at 30
Now that you’re a mature, money-making adult, 30 is the perfect age to begin investing in quality over quantity.
This spans from everything from the food you’re putting into your body to the clothes you’re putting on your back.
For instance, investing in a staple capsule wardrobe of high quality clothing pieces is a great way to jumpstart your glow up and express your personal style.
I’ve always enjoyed trying out different fashion trends, but there are some pieces that are staples that will never go out of style and are worth investing in.
Now that I have more financial freedom at the age of 30, I am able to invest in better quality wardrobe pieces that will last me years to come (and save me money in the long run).
When deciding what to buy, a trick that has helped me is to look at my Pinterest “Fashion” board. I look through and make note of recurring pieces that are repeatedly showing up throughout my pins.
For instance, if I see that oversized chunky cardigans are worn in a majority of my fall clothing pins, I add “Oversized Chunky Cardigan” to my running list of “Clothing Items to Purchase” in the Notes app of my phone.
I then research cardigan reviews before purchasing a well-made one that will maintain it’s quality over time.
I do this with all kinds of other products as well like Books, Beauty, Tech, and Household.
Even if I have to spend a little more than I usually would, I know every time I wear it I will love it and feel most confident in it.
Which is what a glow up is all about!
7. Start Using a Self Tanner/Stop Tanning
Now that you’re the big 3-0, you really, REALLY should not be tanning without protecting your skin.
Better yet, eliminate sun bathing altogether.
Use a self tanner that will give you that same bronzed glow without all the damage to your skin.
Don’t get me wrong, spending time in the sun is extremely beneficial for you in many ways, but it’s crucial that you are protecting your skin with SPF 30 or higher so that you don’t cause premature aging and sun damage to your skin.
8. Supplement with Collagen
If you haven’t noticed already, a large part of having a glow up at 30 years old is taking care of your skin.
Aging is most visible by your skin and everyone wants to keep their skin looking as young as possible for as long as possible.
Collagen is a protein found in your skin that makes it look full and youthful.
According to Health Magazine, although our bodies make new collagen every day, after the age of 25 we lose more collagen than we produce.
That’s why one of the best ways to preserve your skin is by supplementing with collagen.
This one by Vital Proteins is honestly amazing.
One of the reviews says:
“This is the weirdest thing since I started using this powder and it’s only been a week. My skin feels amazing..On the days I use it I see the effect within hours.“
9. Get Your Hair Healthy and Really Glow Up at 30
It’s no secret having healthy hair can instantly elevate your appearance.
And nothing says glow up (period) quite like growing long, shiny locks.
Take it from me, growing out your hair is an extremely rewarding process. Especially once you start to have noticeable growth.
Even if long hair isn’t for you, just simply getting your hair to a shiny and healthy state can make a huge difference.
I share tips that are guaranteed to make your hair grow as well as tips for getting your hair super healthy in this post.
10. Workout and Increase Your Daily Movement
To really get your glow up on at 30, you should aim to move your body daily for optimal physical results.
In order to do this, and actually stick with it, this also means finding a type of workout that works for you.
For quite a while now, there has been an emphasis on lifting heavy weights and growing a Kim K booty in the women’s fitness industry.
But let’s face it, that type of workout isn’t for everyone and not every woman wants to grow a big, muscular butt.
Pilates and yoga, for instance, are an alternative workout that can be extremely transformative for not just your body but your mental health as well.
My point is, workouts aren’t a one size fits all.
If you’re not into cardio and high intensity workouts, you could simply set a step goal of 10,000 steps per day.
Once you find something you actually enjoy, you’re more likely to stick with it and will find it easier to incorporate it into your daily routine.
Working out and moving your body shouldn’t feel like a chore.
11. Treat Yourself
The fantastic thing about being a women in your 30’s is that you’ve most likely settled into a career that can support your wants, not just your needs.
If you’re going full-send on glowing up, why not splurge on that dream car or luxury apartment you’ve always wanted?
So long as it fits your budget, of course.
12. Make Self Care a Priority to Glow Up at 30
A true glow up is about feeling your best. One of the best ways to really do that is to indulge in self care.
This could mean treating yourself to that weekly mani/pedi to keep your nails on fleek or even just lighting candles and soaking in the bath while listening to your favorite podcast.
Self care comes in many shapes and forms and is subjective to the person. But regardless, try to identify which self care activities make you feel your best and do more of that.
P.S. Working from home can make self care hard! If you work from home like me and want to step up your self care routine, be sure to check out this post Comprehensive Guide to Looking and Feeling Your Best While WFH for all my secrets to becoming a Remote Self Care Queen.
13. Fix That Thing You’ve Been Insecure About
Financial security in your 30’s comes with the advantage of being able to finally fix that thing about yourself that you’ve always been insecure about.
Are you a super hairy girly and hate having excess body hair? Glow up by investing in laser hair removal.
Have you always despised how small your lips are? Get your lip injection on, girl!
What about your crooked smile that has always prevented you from smiling in pics? Maybe now is the perfect time for Invisalign.
Now, I am by no means promoting plastic surgery or knit-picking your insecurities.
I’m just saying if you now have the ability (and the financial means) to make a change that will give you a confidence boost, I say by all means go for it!
14. Travel For the Ultimate Glow Up at 30
Nothing makes you glow inside and out like experiencing the world through travel.
Traveling in your 30’s means traveling to places you actually want to go.
At 30 this might not include a Cancun Spring Break trip where you and all your friends go to drink your body weight in shots (ALSO, no judging if this is still your idea of a good time ha!).
But for me, 30 is the time to go somewhere for ME. Somewhere I can relax, experience the culture, and truly enjoy myself on my own terms.
I don’t know about you, but the idea of a sea-side wellness retreat, with around-the-clock pampering and self care activities sounds right up my ally these days.
15. Knock Bad Habits
On my 30th birthday, I made the decision to reduce my alcohol intake substantially.
What I didn’t realize, though, was how much better I would feel as well.
The perks of a mostly sober lifestyle for me far outweigh drunken nights saying and doing things I regret and hangxiety for days to follow.
I now have productive weekends instead of spending my time on the couch recovering from a hangover.
Not to mention the 10 pounds I quickly lost and the immediate positive impact on my mental health.
Smoking (and yes, vaping) is another nasty habit a lot of people take up in their early 20s.
If you’re looking to really glow up and stay youthful looking and healthy for as long as possible, quitting smoking is a great place to start.
Keep in mind, bad habits aren’t limited to just things you consume like alcohol and cigarettes.
Other bad habits that could transform your life if you just simply quit are:
- procrastinating
- being late
- saying “yes” to everything
- having a lack of boundaries
- indulging in drama
- repeating patterns of unhealthy behavior
- not sufficiently managing stress
If you find yourself struggling to manage everyday stressors and feel like your mental health could use some improvement, be sure to check out this post on what to do weekly to improve your mental health.
16. Start a Passion Project or Side Hustle
You start to glow from within when you do more of what you love.
A great way to cultivate this glow is by starting a passion project.
Keep in mind not every passion project results in income. But if it does, well, hey! That’s an added perk.
For me personally, I started this blog and it’s been a great creative outlet for me.
The few extra dollars per month I make off of it is something I take pride in.
Blogging is just one example, though.
Some other ideas of passion projects or side hustles include:
- Furniture restoration
- DIY projects
- Gardening
- Photography
- Doula services
- Tutoring
- Freelance makeup or hair styling
- Volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about
So, if you are in your 30’s and starting to think about taking the leap to start a side hustle or passion project, this is your sign to start!
17. Go to Therapy for a Glow Up at 30
An incredible way to facilitate a glow up at 30 is by getting yourself into therapy.
It’s the perfect time to get to the root of your issues, so to speak.
Do you have a habit of repeating bad habits or pattern behaviors that cause self-sabotage? Hi, it’s me.
Or maybe it’s something as simple as you can’t stop procrastinating or want to have more self confidence.
A good therapist will help you to develop your identify and guide you to look inward in order to flourish mentally.
18. Invest Your Money
Glowing up at 30 can include setting yourself up for success in the future financially.
By 30, if you haven’t already, it’s definitely time to start saving and investing.
A simple way to start is by making a budget that will allow you to set aside a chunk of your income towards savings and investments.
I’m still currently researching more specific ways to make smart investments. But as of right now, I have opened a High Yield Savings Account, and you should too!
It’s a great form of investing for beginners since literally all you have to do is transfer money to an account and it automatically earns you interest each month (at a much higher rate than what a normal savings account does).
Instead of collecting less than $0.50 in interest from a traditional savings account, I have already earned over $50 in just one month.
Good investments continue to compound and add up over the years.
This in turn will provide years of financial security for you. And it goes without saying that everything in life, including glowing up, is a lot easier when you have the financial means to do so!
19. Glow Up at 30 By Starting Over
30 years old is the perfect time to start over, and don’t let anyone tell you any different!
Don’t let the pressures of society make you feel like you should have all your sh!t together and everything figured out.
It’s a great time to get real about the relationships, friendships, and even the career you have.
Are your friends, your significant other, and your job each adding true value to your life?
If not, it might be time to make new friends whose hobbies and goals align with your own.
If your current environment isn’t inspiring personal growth, it might be time to move to that new city and live out the dream you’ve always fantasized about.
Takeaway: It’s never too late!
Remember, 30 is just young enough to start anew and just old enough to have wisdom from past mistakes that will guide you in the right direction!
This post was all about how to glow up at 30.

Check out more recent posts By Jessi Ann:
- Minimalist Spring Nails: 10 Simple Designs to Hop Into Spring With
- Valentine’s Day Cocktail Ideas – 7 Deliciously Adorable Drinks
- 24 Simply Festive Minimalist Christmas Table Decor Ideas
- What to Put In a Burr Basket – 45 Incredibly Cute Brr Basket Gift Ideas
- How to Prevent Winter Eczema – 10 Tips to Halt a Flare Up
Hi! I was looking for a glow-up ideas because I’m turning 30 in a couple of months, and it’s scary! But then I found your blog and realized that it’s all about loving yourself, starting to plan the future you dream of, and doing what you’re passionate about. So, it can’t be that bad! Thank you “By Jessy Ann” for sharing such inspiring words!